Wednesday, November 27, 2019

The Truth Behind the Alien Reptile Hoax

The Truth Behind the Alien Reptile Hoax In 1990, a former British soccer player named David Icke began sharing his psychic visions with the world. According to Icke, our planet is secretly being controlled by a race of humanoid reptiles from the Alpha Draconis star system, 300 light years away. Not only do these reptoids or reptilians live underground beneath the earths major cities, Icke contends, but they drink human blood and have the ability to shape-shift. Sadly, most of the worlds leaders have already been co-opted by these evil reptiles; Icke and his followers believe that former president George W. Bush and Queen Elizabeth II are both reptoids in disguise. Of course, Icke isnt the first person in history to ascribe supernatural powers to reptiles. Snake- and crocodile-like gods are common in ancient mythology, and there were some notable pop-culture reptilian references that preceded Icke (and may, in fact, have directly influenced his philosophy). In 1983, the hugely successful TV miniseries V featured an invasion by conniving alien reptiles disguised as humanoids. After Icke appeared on the scene, the most famous fictional reptilian is arguably the snake-like Voldemort from the Harry Potter books; however, theres no evidence that J.K. Rowling even knows who David Icke is. Are Reptoids Really Intelligent Dinosaurs? Its unclear whether or not Icke believes that his alien reptoids descended from, or were somehow responsible for, the dinosaurs that roamed the earth until 65 million years ago. However, bizarre conspiracy theories have a way of rapidly mutating, and the Icke cult has spawned a subset of enthusiasts who believe that dinosaurs didnt, in fact, go extinct, but evolved into super-intelligent reptoids- so super-intelligent, in fact, that theyve managed to evade detection to this day, except (perhaps) by ex-footballers prone to psychic visions. These conspiracy theorists have received an unintentional boost from North Carolina State paleontologist Dale Russell, who in 1982 published a paper speculating about what might have become of the dinosaur Troodon had the K/T Extinction not happened. Since Troodon was an uncommonly intelligent dinosaur, Russell surmised, its uninterrupted evolutionary arc might have resulted, tens of millions of years later, in a race of super-intelligent, humanoid reptilians. One common attribute of conspiracy theorists (not to mention religious fundamentalists and disbelievers in the theory of evolution) is to take the speculations of reputable scientists as established, carved-in-stone fact. Today, most adherents of the reptoid cult cite Russells paper as proving the existence of humanoid reptiles, and many uninformed readers have helped spread the word. Russell himself, of course, meant no such thing, and is doubtless embarrassed by the cult he unintentionally fueled with his research. Are Humanoid Reptiles a Scientific Possibility? Despite what Icke and other conspiracy theorists claim, theres absolutely no proof that a race of super-intelligent reptoids (or Martians, or swamp monsters) lurk beneath the sewers of Paris, New York, and Beijing. There is also no evidence that the earth has ever been visited by flying saucers or that reptilian aliens have tinkered with human DNA, or that Queen Elizabeth II is a lizard in disguise (though some Icke cultists claim to have seen a second eyelid flickering across her pupils, if you look really closely at slowed-down news footage). But is it possible that an isolated population of meat-eating dinosaurs (Troodon, or some other genus) managed to survive the K/T Extinction, and persist to this day on some remote island or in the middle of a dense rain forest? The odds are vanishingly small, but not zero. However, the chances are even more remote for a scenario in which these dinosaurs have evolved into super-intelligent beings, which would require (among other things) a huge increase in their population, making detection by (and competition with) contemporary human beings a certainty. The fact is that reptoids, reptilians, or whatever you want to call them simply dont exist, despite what David Icke and his followers claim.

Saturday, November 23, 2019

20 Deductive Essay Topics Hooking Ideas about Emma Larkin’s Finding George Orwell in Burma

20 Deductive Essay Topics Hooking Ideas about Emma Larkin’s Finding George Orwell in Burma If you are looking for viable deductive essay topics about the book â€Å"Finding George Orwell in Burma† then consider the twenty items below: The Many Tools Used by the Burmese Government to Control Their People The Most Important Tool Being That of Fear How the Military Intelligence Functions as One of the Tools Used by the Government How Local People Worked as Informers for Military Intelligence Spies How Burmese Government Controlled History by Changing Names and Buildings How Fear of Imprisonment or Torture Kept People from Considering Uprisings How British Names Were Removed And Physical Location Names Changed after 1988 Uprising How People Who Were Murdered by the Government Were Immediately Disposed of and The Blood on The Streets Was Washed Away How the Government Could Alleviate Risk of Any Future Generations Being Motivated by the Uprisings or Actions of Others How the Government Had Sensors in Magazines, Books, Music, and Movies through the Propaganda Branch How the Propaganda Branch Produced Pre-Approved Content for Magazines and Newspapers as Well as Educational Products for Schools How Free Thought Was Stifled through Limiting What People Could Read or Think How Foreign Journalists and Writers Were Not Allowed into the Country and People with Cameras or Notepads Would Be Searched by the Police How the Government Can Delete Anything Found on Cameras Brought into the Country And Sentence Anyone Who Helps Journalists to Death How the Emergency Provisions Act of 1950 Allowed Government to Sentence Citizens to Seven Years in Prison for Providing Information to Journalists Panopticon: a Term from George Orwells Writing Which Is at the Center of This Form of Surveillance How Words from George Orwell Like â€Å"Room 101† And â€Å"Newspeak† Are Represented in This Book How Methods of Surveillance in This Book Are Used Today in a Country Of Your Choosing How George Orwell’s Predictions Have Come to Pass by Way of Fear and Control over Communication How the Country Has Changed With Recent Elections Below you will find an example essay on one of these topics to give you a better idea: Sample Deductive Essay on the Methods of Surveillance In many ways modern governments functions similarly to this. Throughout Middle Eastern countries and even Western countries, the media is controlled by a select few. While the Internet allegedly provides free reign for mass communication and freedom of speech, individuals who speak out against other nations are still deemed a terrorist threat and can have some of their freedoms revoked. Governments will continually survey those they believe to be a threat. This is not something which happens just on the Internet but something which still happens in real time today. Foreigners who may be on a watch list could be permitted in another country but will be monitored the entire time they are there. The NSA was just recently revealed to use surveillance techniques which are illegal on all citizens, national or international. The exploits of the agency revealed that cellphone conversations as well as email correspondence, and Internet activity were surveyed and collected. This is a form of c omplete and comprehensive surveillance of the world. Of course this happens on local levels too, inside companies of all shapes and sizes. Employees of any organization are subject to continual monitoring of their email activity and phone records. In many cases email activity is logged as well as Internet searches and certain websites not permitted during work hours. While in these cases the changes are made to promote productivity and avoid wasting time in the workplace, the methods used are similar to countries which seek total control over the constituents. This is something which even permeates news. News agencies today in many Western countries are only able to remain profitable thanks to advertisements. Advertisements for particular products and/or services directly influence what information is recorded and what information is not. Individuals who might find a viable new story may not be allowed to promote that new story because it reflects poorly on a shareholder or on a subsidiary company of that shareholder. The same thing is true for politicians. Many politicians today are only able to maintain their seat in politics thanks to the donations of powerful and wealthy individuals who then dictate which laws can be passed and which laws cannot. Throughout the world, the media is controlled by a select few, access to internet sites is restricted in countries such as China. In China, even looking at activist sites or working to help Tibet is a punishable offense. Having the wrong books, teaching or talking about threats to the government, and helping a foreigner are all punishable in North Korea. All around the world Governments will continually survey those they believe to be a threat. The national surveillance agency was recently revealed to a completed surveillance on not only international citizens but American citizens. This revelation exposed that all cellphone conversations had been monitored as well as email correspondence and other types of Internet activity. Such complete and total monitoring would constitute that same idea of comprehensive surveillance. This is something which is even done at a much smaller level. Employees of any organization are subject to continual monitoring of their email activity and phone re cords. All of this information from these assigned readings really reflects on how well the Asian communities were controlled during terrible regimes. What is perhaps most disturbing is how long such things have been going on and what little has been done. Some of the most prominent displays of human rights violations have been going on with very little done about it for multiple reasons. The first seems to be reflected the control itself. With complete control over media both in the country and internationally, countries are able to maintain either a specific view of the functions of the country, or no view at all. When there is no view or no changes to the existing view, it makes it easy for citizens to ignore that country and even forget about the plight facing its citizens. By controlling what information reaches the citizens, the government can even make sure the people do not realize what they are missing, and fail to realize how things might be better for them. What these readings re ally bring forth for me though, is how prevalent some of those things are in modern society, and we don’t realize it. Today people use the internet, talk on cell phones, and accept that their actions are all monitored without even thinking twice. People don’t realize just how many of their freedoms they are giving up. References: Cady, John F.  A history of modern Burma. 1960. Davison, Peter, Hoepffner Prà ©face de Marie Hermann, and Jean-Jacques Rosat.  George Orwell. Palgrave Macmillan, 1996. Harvey, Godfrey Eric.  History of Burma. Asian Educational Services, 2000. Kyi, Aung San Suu. II. Freedom, Development, and Human Worth.  Journal of Democracy  6.2 (1995): 11-19. Larkin, Emma.  Finding George Orwell in Burma. Granta Books, 2011. Orwell, George.  Burmese days. Vol. 2. Random House, 1999. Smith, Martin John.  Burma: Insurgency and the politics of ethnicity. Zed Books, 1991.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

How to get fired Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

How to get fired - Essay Example As you’re being shown the ropes, be sure to pull out that bottle of whisky or vodka and flash it around amicably – drink to everyone’s health and inform them all sweetly about how you need your daily tipple to really get going. Ask a lot of silly questions, the kind that even a ten year old would be ashamed to ask. The objective here is to demonstrate your utter lack of competence for the job you’ve been hired for, so plant those seeds of doubt liberally in your supervisor’s mind. And thirdly, be sure to leave early. Tell them you have a hot date, or yawn loudly and say you’re too bored to hang around any longer and leave. What? Still not fired? Well, don’t lose hope, lots of options are still open. Remember those tools I mentioned? Let’s take the last one first – blogsphere. Be sure to enter blogsphere with lots of ultra specific details on your personal blog about your Company. This is the place to mention anything and everything you don’t like about your boss and if the details you furnish are good enough to identify him or her, so much the better, especially if it’s a place your boss visits too. Waste lots of company time on your personal blog and let your work pile up. The chances of getting fired are directly proportional to the lack of discipline you display. Now let’s say your boss is a patient person and prepared to give you a chance. So you get a warning – but that’s it. Then it’s time to pull out the second tool – lies. The aim of the mission is to antagonize the boss by proving exactly how untrustworthy you are. Make personal calls from your office phone, gossip for hours with your friends or co-workers and then lie blatantly when the boss questions you – say that you were engaged in company business. If he or she tries to be pleasant to you and cracks a few jokes, do not laugh at any of them even if your funny bone is